Facebook's dynamic templates for Product Ads mean you don't have to spend time configuring your creative for each ad.

These templates work for both single- and multi-product campaigns by pulling images, product names, pricing and more from your product catalog, based on the keywords you use. Because of this integration with your catalog, Facebook will also stop running ads on items once they're out of stock.

As Facebook noted in their announcement, advertisers have been able to run dynamic ads on Facebook through DSPs and retargeting partners with access to the Facebook Exchange. However, those solutions only ran on desktop and third parties were not able to properly measure or attribute cross-device conversions.

And of course, Facebook has ALL THE DATA. As Michelle Alfano pointed out on the RKG Blog: "Advertisers will also now be able to leverage Facebook’s proprietary user information in targeting appropriate audiences, something that DSPs were never able to use in targeting users with dynamic creative."

You'll need a Business Manager account to get started. Hopefully you're already using it, but if not, you can sign up here.

This is all rolling out through Facebook Marketing Partners via the API first, then to the Power Editor (within a few weeks). Finally, Facebook says they'll incorporate multi-product ads into other ads interfaces later this year. Interestingly, this is pretty much the opposite of how Google rolls out updates like this; big changes roll out to their tools and software vendors have to scramble to catch up. Facebook's approach seems more partner-friendly.

If you're using self-serve ads, this gives you plenty of time to read up on Product Ads and get prepared for their eventual launch to all marketers.

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